Get a Better Sense of Life, For Life!

About Richard Chambers

What are your Hopes, Wishes & Dreams? We all have them. I have lived a full life (I was born in 1950), travelled the world and met some great people who have become lifelong friends but the FourPercent Group is sending me in a whole new direction and I am loving it!

Know Yourself, Know Everything

Do you really know me? I would not expect you to. But, do you know yourself? Do you really know yourself? Just what are you capable of. You are capable of whatever you put your mind to and really believe it.

Let me give you an example. This is true. It happened to me. Quite a few years ago my wife and I tried a cruise. It happened to be with Royal Caribbean Cruises. We found we liked it and started going on one cruise a year. It was a weeks cruise as we couldn't afford anything longer. BUT what I did was find a picture of a Royal Caribbean ship, printed it out and put it just under my monitor so that I would see it every time I am on my computer (and believe me, that is a lot).

What I didn't realise is that the picture was of a ship called ``Independence of the Seas``. Well scroll forward a few years and my wife received an inheritance, out of the blue. The next cruise we booked was on that very ship. It was not deliberate, we did not select the cruise for the ship, but the destinations. It was only after I got back from that cruise that I realised it was the same ship that I had been looking at for years.

We have sailed on her many times now and she is still my favourite ship. I still have the picture, I still look at it.

I really put my mind to do more cruising. I really put my mind to achieving that goal. I did not know how or when it would come about, I just believed and worked towards it.

YOU can do it. YOU can achieve your hopes, wishes & dreams. Believe in yourself. Work hard and it will come about.

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